中華民國後備憲兵論壇 | ROCMP Forum

[其他] 美國警察無線通訊的犯罪代碼

cinematsao 發表於 2007-2-1 18:18:08 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 13262|回覆: 8
187 Murder
207 Kidnapping
207-A Attempt Kidnapping
211 Robbery
211-S Robbery Alarm-Silent
217 Assault-Murder Intent
220 Assault-Rape Intent
242 Battery
245 Assault W/Deadly WPN.
246 Shooting At Dwelling
261 Rape Vicinity
261-A Attempt Neglect
273-A Child Neglect
273-D Wife Beating-Felony
288 Sex Crimes Against Children
314 Indecent Exposure
330 Gambling
374-B Illegal Dumping
390 Drunk
390-F Drunk, Possible PCP Use
415 Disturbance
415-A Disturbance In Auto
415-B Disturbance- Business
415-C Disturbance- Party Crash
415-D Disturbance- Drunk
415-E Disturbance- Party 483 Hit & Run- Parked Vehicle
415-F Disturbance- Family
415-G Disturbance- Gang Fight
415-J Disturbance- Juveniles
415-S Disturbance- Neighbors
417 Man With Gun
417-A Man With Knife
417-S Barricaded Suspect
447 Arson
459 Burglary
459-A Burglar Alarm-Audible
459-S Burglar Alarm-Silent
470 Forgery
480 Hit & Run- Felony
481 Hit & Run- Misdemeanor
487 Theft- Grand
487.2 Purse Snatch
488 Theft- Petty
488-B Theft- Bicycle
502 Drunk Driving- Misd.
503 Auto Theft
503-A Recovered Vehicle
504 Tampering With Auto
504-A Car Strippers
510 Speeding Or Racing
586 Illegal Parking
586-E Parking-Block Driveway
594 Malicious Mischief
597 Cruelty To Animals
601 Incorrigible
602 Trespassing
604 Throwing Missiles
647 Vagrant
647-A Vargrant Loitering Near
School Or Public Place
653-M Lewd Or Threatening TX
901-N Ambulance Needed
901-S Ambulance Disp.-Inj.
901-T Ambulance Disp.-Traffic
902 Person Sick Or Injured
902-A Attempt Suicide
902-H Enroute To Hospital
902-N Traffic Accident-No Inj.
902-R Rescue Responding
902-T Traffic Accident-No Details
903 Airplane Accident-No Details
903-L Low Flying Aircraft
904 Fire
904-A Fire-Auto
904-B Fire-Brush Or Grass
904-G Smoke Investigation
904-I Illegal Fire
904-S Structural Fire
904-T Fire-Trash
905-B Animal Bites
905-D Dead Animal
905-N Noisy Animal
905-S Stray Animal
905-T Vicious Animal
909-A Hot Wires Down
909-T Traffic Hazard
911-A Contact Informant
911-B Contact Officer
911-C Contact Citizen
911-N Do Not Contact Inform.
912 Are We Clear?
913 Are You Clear?
914-N Concerned Party Notify
916 Officer W/Mids. Subject
916-A Officer W/Felony Subject
916-B Citizen W/Misd. Subject
916-C Citizen Holding Felony Subj.
917-A Abandoned Auto
917-S Suspicious Auto
918 Insane Person
919 Keep The Peace
920 Missing Adult
920-A Found Adult
920-C Missing Child
920-F Found Child
921 Prowler
921-P Peeping Tom
922 Illegal Peddling
923 Illegal Shooting
924 Station Detail
928-B Found Prop-Bicycle
924-B Notify Dispatcher
925 Person Acting Suspic.
925-A Person Susp. In Auto
926 Tow Truck Needed
926-A Tow Truck Dispatched
927 Suspicious Circumstance
927-A Susp. Circumstance Person
Pulled From TX
927-B Susp. Circumstance Open
Door Or Window
927-C Check Vicinity
927-D Susp. Circumstances Women Screaming
928-L Lost Property
929 Person Down
929-A Person Down In Auto
930 See The Man
930-A See The Manager
931 See The Woman
995 Strike Trouble
996 Explosion- Non Criminal
996-B Bomb Explosion
996-T Bomb Threat
997 Officer Needs Help Urgently District Cars Only (five units with shortest ETA to respond)
998 Officer Request Assistance, Involved In Shooting
999 Officer Needs Help Urgently



參與人數 2貢獻 +8 收起 理由
小智 + 5 精品文章,值得推薦,給您加個分!!
G192 + 3 感謝分享。


chyuan1110 發表於 2007-2-1 20:22:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 cinematsao 於 2007-2-1 18:18 發表
187 Murder
207 Kidnapping
207-A Att ...

asun 發表於 2007-2-1 21:10:26 | 顯示全部樓層






jhihhao 發表於 2007-2-1 21:45:43 | 顯示全部樓層
doubleobuckshot 發表於 2007-2-2 04:53:16 | 顯示全部樓層
187 Murder => 凶殺
207 Kidnapping => 綁架
207-A Attempt Kidnapping => 企圖綁架
211 Robbery => 搶劫
211-S Robbery Alarm-Silent => 搶劫警報:無聲
217 Assault-Murder Intent => 攻擊:企圖殺人
220 Assault-Rape Intent => 攻擊:企圖強暴
242 Battery => 毆打
245 Assault W/Deadly WPN. => 以致命武器攻擊
246 Shooting At Dwelling => 住宅發生槍擊
261 Rape Vicinity => 強暴(附近卅自己轄區?)
261-A Attempt Neglect =>?
273-A Child Neglect => 對兒童照顧的疏忽
273-D Wife Beating-Felony => 打老婆:重罪
288 Sex Crimes Against Children => 對兒童性犯罪
314 Indecent Exposure => 不雅暴露
330 Gambling => 賭博
374-B Illegal Dumping => 違法倒垃圾卅丟東西
390 Drunk => 酒醉
390-F Drunk, Possible PCP Use => 酒醉卅可能有用 PCP (PCP =?)
415 Disturbance => 騷擾糾紛
415-A Disturbance In Auto => 騷擾糾紛:車輛內
415-B Disturbance- Business => 騷擾糾紛:商號內
415-C Disturbance- Party Crash => 騷擾糾紛:派對有人鬧場卅闖入
415-D Disturbance- Drunk => 騷擾糾紛:酒醉
415-E Disturbance- Party => 騷擾糾紛:派對
483 Hit & Run- Parked Vehicle => 車禍肇事逃逸:涉及停著的車輛
415-F Disturbance- Family => 騷擾糾紛:家庭
415-G Disturbance- Gang Fight => 騷擾糾紛:幫派鬥毆
415-J Disturbance- Juveniles => 騷擾糾紛:少年
415-S Disturbance- Neighbors => 騷擾糾紛:鄰居
417 Man With Gun => 有人帶槍
417-A Man With Knife => 有人帶刀
417-S Barricaded Suspect => 嫌犯設置障礙物屏蔽自己
447 Arson => 縱火
459 Burglary => 破門竊盜
459-A Burglar Alarm-Audible => 破門竊盜警報:有聲
459-S Burglar Alarm-Silent => 破門竊盜警報:無聲
470 Forgery => 偽造
480 Hit & Run- Felony => 車禍肇事逃逸:重罪
481 Hit & Run- Misdemeanor => 車禍肇事逃逸:輕罪
487 Theft- Grand => 偷竊:重大(超過一定金額)
487.2 Purse Snatch => 搶皮包
488 Theft- Petty => 偷竊:輕微
488-B Theft- Bicycle => 偷竊:腳踏車
502 Drunk Driving- Misd. => 酒醉駕車:輕罪
503 Auto Theft => 汽車偷竊
503-A Recovered Vehicle => 發現遭竊車輛
504 Tampering With Auto => 有人亂動車輛(例如是企圖開鎖、破窗等)
504-A Car Strippers => (違法)拆解車輛者
510 Speeding Or Racing => 超速或賽車
586 Illegal Parking => 違規停車
586-E Parking-Block Driveway => 停車:擋住車道
594 Malicious Mischief => 惡意胡鬧卅危害
597 Cruelty To Animals => 虐待動物
601 Incorrigible => 屢教不改
602 Trespassing => 擅自進入卅擅自侵入
604 Throwing Missiles => 投擲飛彈(呵呵,亂丟會傷到人的東西??)
647 Vagrant => 街友
647-A Vargrant Loitering Near School Or Public Place => 街友在學校或公眾場所附近滯留
653-M Lewd Or Threatening TX => 猥褻或威脅TX?(不瞭解什麼意思)
901-N Ambulance Needed => 需要救護車
901-S Ambulance Disp.-Inj. =>(已經卅須要?)派救護車:有人受傷
901-T Ambulance Disp.-Traffic =>(已經卅須要?)派救護車:交通事故
902 Person Sick Or Injured => 有人生病或受傷
902-A Attempt Suicide => 企圖自殺
902-H Enroute To Hospital => 前往醫院(的路上)
902-N Traffic Accident-No Inj. => 交通事故:無受傷
902-R Rescue Responding => 救援人員(已?)出動回應
902-T Traffic Accident-No Details => 交通事故:無詳情
903 Airplane Accident-No Details => 飛機事故:無詳情
903-L Low Flying Aircraft => 飛機低飛
904 Fire => 火災
904-A Fire-Auto => 火災:車輛
904-B Fire-Brush Or Grass => 火災:灌木叢卅草地
904-G Smoke Investigation => 調查冒煙狀況
904-I Illegal Fire => 違法起火卅生火
904-S Structural Fire => 建築物失火
904-T Fire-Trash => 失火:垃圾
905-B Animal Bites => 動物咬人
905-D Dead Animal => 動物死亡
905-N Noisy Animal => 動物吵鬧
905-S Stray Animal => 動物亂跑
905-T Vicious Animal => 有攻擊性的動物
909-A Hot Wires Down => 有電的電線掉落
909-T Traffic Hazard => 交通危險
911-A Contact Informant => 聯絡線民(或報案人)
911-B Contact Officer => 聯絡員警
911-C Contact Citizen => 聯絡老百姓(大概是報案或相關的老百姓)
911-N Do Not Contact Inform. => 不要聯絡線民(或報案人)
912 Are We Clear? => 我們之間互相清楚瞭解嗎(大概是通話結束前確認一下)
913 Are You Clear? => 你瞭解嗎
914-N Concerned Party Notify => 關心人士通知
916 Officer W/Mids. Subject => 員警捉到輕罪嫌犯
916-A Officer W/Felony Subject => 員警捉到重罪嫌犯
916-B Citizen W/Misd. Subject => 老百姓捉到輕罪嫌犯
916-C Citizen Holding Felony Subj. => 老百姓捉到重罪嫌犯
917-A Abandoned Auto => 棄置車輛
917-S Suspicious Auto => 可疑車輛
918 Insane Person => 有人精神錯亂
919 Keep The Peace => 不瞭解?
920 Missing Adult => 成人失蹤
920-A Found Adult => 找到成人
920-C Missing Child => 兒童失蹤
920-F Found Child => 找到兒童
921 Prowler => 徘徊之可疑人物(?)
921-P Peeping Tom => 有人偷窺(通常是看女人)
922 Illegal Peddling => 違法兜售(沿街叫賣、擺攤子?)
923 Illegal Shooting => 違法開槍
924 Station Detail =>?
928-B Found Prop-Bicycle => 找到財產:腳踏車
924-B Notify Dispatcher => 通知無線電台調度人(那個可以叫總機嗎)
925 Person Acting Suspic. => 行動可疑人物
925-A Person Susp. In Auto => 有人在車內行動可疑
926 Tow Truck Needed => 需要拖吊車
926-A Tow Truck Dispatched => 已派出拖吊車
927 Suspicious Circumstance => 可疑狀況
927-A Susp. Circumstance Person Pulled From TX => 可疑狀況.....?
927-B Susp. Circumstance Open Door Or Window => 可疑狀況:門窗開著
927-C Check Vicinity => 檢查該地區?
927-D Susp. Circumstances Women Screaming => 可疑狀況:女子喊叫
928-L Lost Property => 財產遺失卅失竊?(發生卅找到?)
929 Person Down => 有人倒下
929-A Person Down In Auto => 車內有人倒下
930 See The Man => 去找卅見那個男人(哪個男人?)
930-A See The Manager => 去找卅見經理
931 See The Woman => 去找卅見那個女人(哪個女人?)
995 Strike Trouble => 罷工行動(遊行)發生問題卅是非
996 Explosion- Non Criminal => 發生爆炸:非犯罪行為
996-B Bomb Explosion => 炸彈爆炸
996-T Bomb Threat => 炸彈威脅卅恐嚇
997 Officer Needs Help Urgently District Cars Only (five units with shortest ETA to
respond) => 員警急需協助:自己轄區警車前往協助即可(估計到達時間最快的五組員警回應)
998 Officer Request Assistance, Involved In Shooting => 員警需要協助:涉及開槍狀況
999 Officer Needs Help Urgently => 員警急需協助(猜想這是最最急迫,傾巢而出去救援的狀況)

[ 本帖最後由 doubleobuckshot 於 2007-2-1 15:56 編輯 ]
SmokeyLT 發表於 2007-2-2 06:16:46 | 顯示全部樓層

187 Murder => 凶殺
207 Kidnapping => 綁架
207-A Attempt Kidnapping => 企圖綁架
211 Robbery => 搶劫
211-S Robbery Alarm-Silent => 搶劫警報:無聲
217 Assault-Murder Intent => 攻擊:企圖殺人
220 Assault-Rape Intent => 攻擊:企圖強暴
242 Battery => 毆打
245 Assault W/Deadly WPN. => 以致命武器攻擊
246 Shooting At Dwelling => 住宅發生槍擊
261 Rape Vicinity => 各種範圍的強暴  (Vicinity表示"各種範圍的")
261-A Attempt Neglect => 表示企圖強暴未遂卅拋棄被害人在現場,罪犯本身逃走
273-A Child Neglect => 對兒童照顧的疏忽
273-D Wife Beating-Felony => 打老婆:重罪
288 Sex Crimes Against Children => 對兒童性犯罪
314 Indecent Exposure => 不雅暴露
330 Gambling => 賭博
374-B Illegal Dumping => 違法倒垃圾卅丟東西
390 Drunk => 酒醉
390-F Drunk, Possible PCP Use => 酒醉卅可能有用 (PCP是天使塵,一種迷幻藥)
415 Disturbance => 騷擾糾紛
415-A Disturbance In Auto => 騷擾糾紛:車輛內
415-B Disturbance- Business => 騷擾糾紛:商號內
415-C Disturbance- Party Crash => 騷擾糾紛:派對有人鬧場卅闖入
415-D Disturbance- Drunk => 騷擾糾紛:酒醉
415-E Disturbance- Party => 騷擾糾紛:派對
483 Hit & Run- Parked Vehicle => 車禍肇事逃逸:涉及停著的車輛
415-F Disturbance- Family => 騷擾糾紛:家庭
415-G Disturbance- Gang Fight => 騷擾糾紛:幫派鬥毆
415-J Disturbance- Juveniles => 騷擾糾紛:少年
415-S Disturbance- Neighbors => 騷擾糾紛:鄰居
417 Man With Gun => 有人帶槍
417-A Man With Knife => 有人帶刀
417-S Barricaded Suspect => 嫌犯設置障礙物屏蔽自己 (負隅頑抗的嫌犯)
447 Arson => 縱火
459 Burglary => 破門竊盜
459-A Burglar Alarm-Audible => 破門竊盜警報:有聲
459-S Burglar Alarm-Silent => 破門竊盜警報:無聲
470 Forgery => 偽造
480 Hit & Run- Felony => 車禍肇事逃逸:重罪
481 Hit & Run- Misdemeanor => 車禍肇事逃逸:輕罪
487 Theft- Grand => 偷竊:重大(超過一定金額=1000元美金
487.2 Purse Snatch => 搶皮包
488 Theft- Petty => 偷竊:輕微
488-B Theft- Bicycle => 偷竊:腳踏車
502 Drunk Driving- Misd. => 酒醉駕車:輕罪
503 Auto Theft => 汽車偷竊
503-A Recovered Vehicle => 發現遭竊車輛
504 Tampering With Auto => 有人亂動車輛(例如是企圖開鎖、破窗等)
504-A Car Strippers => (違法)拆解車輛者
510 Speeding Or Racing => 超速或賽車
586 Illegal Parking => 違規停車
586-E Parking-Block Driveway => 停車:擋住車道
594 Malicious Mischief => 惡意胡鬧卅危害
597 Cruelty To Animals => 虐待動物
601 Incorrigible => 屢教不改
602 Trespassing => 擅自進入卅擅自侵入
604 Throwing Missiles => 投擲飛彈(呵呵,亂丟會傷到人的東西??)
647 Vagrant => 街友
647-A Vargrant Loitering Near School Or Public Place => 街友在學校或公眾場所附近滯留
653-M Lewd Or Threatening TX => 猥褻或威脅TX=電話騷擾
901-N Ambulance Needed => 需要救護車
901-S Ambulance Disp.-Inj. => 已經?)派救護車(受傷)
901-T Ambulance Disp.-Traffic =>(已經?)派救護車(交通事故)表示救護車已經載著傷患向醫院出發
902 Person Sick Or Injured => 有人生病或受傷
902-A Attempt Suicide => 企圖自殺
902-H Enroute To Hospital => 前往醫院(的路上)
902-N Traffic Accident-No Inj. => 交通事故:無受傷
902-R Rescue Responding => 救援人員(已?)出動回應
902-T Traffic Accident-No Details => 交通事故:無詳情
903 Airplane Accident-No Details => 飛機事故:無詳情
903-L Low Flying Aircraft => 飛機低飛
904 Fire => 火災
904-A Fire-Auto => 火災:車輛
904-B Fire-Brush Or Grass => 火災:灌木叢卅草地
904-G Smoke Investigation => 調查冒煙狀況
904-I Illegal Fire => 違法起火卅生火
904-S Structural Fire => 建築物失火
904-T Fire-Trash => 失火:垃圾
905-B Animal Bites => 動物咬人
905-D Dead Animal => 動物死亡
905-N Noisy Animal => 動物吵鬧
905-S Stray Animal => 動物亂跑
905-T Vicious Animal => 有攻擊性的動物
909-A Hot Wires Down => 有電的電線掉落
909-T Traffic Hazard => 交通危險
911-A Contact Informant => 聯絡線民(或報案人)
911-B Contact Officer => 聯絡員警
911-C Contact Citizen => 聯絡老百姓(大概是報案或相關的老百姓)
911-N Do Not Contact Inform. => 不要聯絡線民(或報案人)
912 Are We Clear? => 我們之間互相清楚瞭解嗎(大概是通話結束前確認一下)
913 Are You Clear? => 你瞭解嗎
914-N Concerned Party Notify => 關心人士通知
916 Officer W/Mids. Subject => 員警捉到輕罪嫌犯
916-A Officer W/Felony Subject => 員警捉到重罪嫌犯
916-B Citizen W/Misd. Subject => 老百姓捉到輕罪嫌犯
916-C Citizen Holding Felony Subj. => 老百姓捉到重罪嫌犯
917-A Abandoned Auto => 棄置車輛
917-S Suspicious Auto => 可疑車輛
918 Insane Person => 有人精神錯亂
919 Keep The Peace => 不瞭解?
920 Missing Adult => 成人失蹤
920-A Found Adult => 找到成人
920-C Missing Child => 兒童失蹤
920-F Found Child => 找到兒童
921 Prowler => 徘徊之可疑人物(?)
921-P Peeping Tom => 有人偷窺(通常是看女人)
922 Illegal Peddling => 違法兜售(沿街叫賣、擺攤子?)
923 Illegal Shooting => 違法開槍
924 Station Detail =>?
928-B Found Prop-Bicycle => 找到財產:腳踏車
924-B Notify Dispatcher => 通知無線電台調度人(那個可以叫總機嗎)
925 Person Acting Suspic. => 行動可疑人物
925-A Person Susp. In Auto => 有人在車內行動可疑
926 Tow Truck Needed => 需要拖吊車
926-A Tow Truck Dispatched => 已派出拖吊車
927 Suspicious Circumstance => 可疑狀況
927-A Susp. Circumstance Person Pulled From TX => 可疑狀況(研判自電話報案)
927-B Susp. Circumstance Open Door Or Window => 可疑狀況:門窗開著
927-C Check Vicinity => 檢查該地區?
927-D Susp. Circumstances Women Screaming => 可疑狀況:女子喊叫
928-L Lost Property => 財產遺失卅失竊?(發生卅找到?)
929 Person Down => 有人倒下
929-A Person Down In Auto => 車內有人倒下
930 See The Man => 去找卅見那個男人(哪個男人?)
930-A See The Manager => 去找卅見經理
931 See The Woman => 去找卅見那個女人(哪個女人?)
995 Strike Trouble => 罷工行動(遊行)發生問題
996 Explosion- Non Criminal => 發生爆炸:非犯罪行為
996-B Bomb Explosion => 炸彈爆炸
996-T Bomb Threat => 炸彈威脅卅恐嚇
997 Officer Needs Help Urgently District Cars Only (five units with shortest ETA to
respond) => 員警急需協助:自己轄區警車前往協助即可(估計到達時間最快的五組員警回應)
998 Officer Request Assistance, Involved In Shooting => 員警需要協助:涉及開槍狀況
999 Officer Needs Help Urgently => 員警急需協助(猜想這是最最急迫,傾巢而出去救援的狀況)
 樓主| cinematsao 發表於 2007-2-2 07:56:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 asun 於 2007-2-1 21:10 發表

從187至653等代碼,基本上是根據加州刑法條而來,例如加州刑法187條就是指的謀殺罪,幾年前山姆傑克森主演的一部電影,片名就叫做「187」。所以學長 ...


隨時監聽"police talk"

布丁 發表於 2007-2-2 10:15:18 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #7 cinematsao 的帖子

jhihhao 發表於 2007-2-2 11:12:59 | 顯示全部樓層
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