2007.03.09 08:59 am
針對呂秀蓮副總統抗議美國有線電視網 (CNN)以不雅字眼報導她參選總統的新聞, CNN今天正式函覆呂副總統。行政院新聞局駐亞特蘭大辦事處已將覆函以快遞寄請新聞局轉呈總統府。
新聞局駐亞特蘭大辦事處主任張崇仁表示,CNN 亞特蘭大總部今天下午三時(台北時間九日上午四時)派人將一個比A4紙稍大的牛皮紙信封送到辦事處,辦事處已立即將函件交由 FedEx快遞公司寄回台北,請新聞局轉呈總統府。預計可於十日或十一日寄達台北。
張崇仁說,牛皮紙信封上寫有CNN執行長克芮麥 (Chris Cramer )函件字樣,但並無收件人姓名。由於先前 CNN已通知將請專人送來函覆呂副總統的信件,因此他相信該信封裡裝的就是致呂副總統的信函。不過因為他並未拆封,故不知覆函內容。
新聞局駐亞特蘭大辦事處是在六日奉局本部指示,將呂副總統的抗議函代轉給 CNN。抗議函正本寄給負責CNN.com的副總裁,副本寄給另外兩位副總裁。CNN內部決定等三位副總裁的共同上司,即 CNN執行長克芮麥出差返國後再決定如何回應。克芮麥今天自墨西哥返國後,立即專函回覆呂副總統,時間未超過呂副總統要求的四十八小時以內。
美國有線電視網引用美聯社以不雅文字報導副總統呂秀蓮,引發風波。稍早,美國在台協會台北辦事處長楊甦棣參加外交部舉辦的「駐台使節及代表新春聯歡晚會」,面對媒體詢問時表示,這些是引述自中國的報紙, CNN也瞭解意識到這樣的處理方式,讓呂秀蓮感到難堪。
【2007/03/09 中央社】@ http://udn.com/
Lu seeks to be first Taiwan woman president
POSTED: 8:45 a.m. EST, March 7, 2007
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) -- Taiwan's outspoken vice president, whom China has called "insane" and the "scum of the nation," said Tuesday she was campaigning to be the island's first female president.
"Many people have advised me that I should fight another election battle, so as to write up another chapter in history," Annette Lu said at a news conference in the capital, Taipei.
But Lu's chances of winning next year's elections are slim, and many doubt she has enough support to win her party's primary -- which already includes three other solid candidates. Lu -- an ardent feminist and former political prisoner -- has long been a maverick who pushed for her own causes instead of building up a strong power base.
She has repeatedly angered Beijing with her support for Taiwanese independence, and tensions with China would likely rise if she were elected.
On Tuesday, she again challenged Beijing's sacred view that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. "Taiwan is a Pacific country, not an affiliate of China," she said.
Taiwan has been ruled separately from China since the Communists won a civil war and took over the mainland in 1949. Beijing insists Taiwan must unify eventually or face a devastating war.
Lu, 62, has been a favorite target for China's state-run media, which have labeled her an "insane" splittist and the "scum of the nation." She has shrugged off the criticism, calling it "silly" and saying it only helps draw more global attention and sympathy to her causes.
She said Tuesday that Taiwan was in danger of being marginalized in the world and her goal was to seek a bigger global role for the island.
"I need a higher position and we need more time to reach the ultimate goal of normalization of our country and the globalization of Taiwan," Lu said. "Let us work together to end Taiwan's pathetic past and create prestige and happiness for the people."
[ 本帖最後由 Infantry 於 2007-3-9 10:20 編輯 ] |