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Infantry 發表於 2005-9-27 23:38:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 56986|回覆: 37
( j. ]% g1 B' V; V6 B3 m
3 h* P: j1 n" c, _; A! P# a這種活動的報名費通常都不貴,從台灣到歐洲只貴在交通費,但以目前我國職業軍人待遇,也都不是問題,問題大概只在請假參加上。事實上只要把休假集中也可解決,重點大概就在主官准不准假而已。如前所述,基於鼓勵所屬參加此種交流活動的前提下,擔任主官者應該要准予參加。3 e' D9 ~0 W. Z8 [4 u

( S! l& I. i. K$ i* z! q另外則是對於參加者千萬不要有什麼「為國爭光」的期許,這樣實在太沉重,也不符參賽目的。因為看到這種比賽活動而會心頭癢癢想參加者,絕大部分是為了自我挑戰,順便交交朋友,互相切磋,簡言之,就純粹只是因為好玩而已。大家不要忽略「好玩」這兩個字,就是因為覺得好玩,才會有自我要求。還有就是後備軍人和警察也可參加,所以軍事網站的會員中一定有此同好者,只要條件許可,也可組隊參加。在此先點名一下,我覺得超級版主就挺適合的。
) F. O5 M8 ^6 ?. ]# A7 Q# Q
% u1 L3 t( N* }' S, p" v! _' H8 X$ }好了,最後,我倒是想到,其實後憲、空特還有海路網站的弟兄,或許也能自行組成一個協會,在台灣辦類似的競賽,先以國內部隊成員為主,慢慢再擴大成國際活動。由後備軍人辦此活動的最大優點之一就是:不會放水。因為恨鐵不成鋼,所以該得幾分就得幾分,所以通過考驗者,比通過官方測驗還有公信力。當然,這只是我的「幻想」,因為要辦這種活動,沒有軍方支援場地和武器是辦不到的,但想想台灣軍方(尤其陸軍)的自大與顢頇,恐怕真的永遠只是我的「幻想」而已。
 樓主| Infantry 發表於 2005-9-27 23:46:21 | 顯示全部樓層

International Military Competition

以下所貼在義大利威尼斯附近舉辦的活動,雖然已過報名日期,但是對想參加下一次活動者,仍有參考價值,因此還是貼上來。$ |) i2 r+ r* B5 Y
+ m8 J1 a$ L7 s+ g& v, M5 A
資料來源:歐洲軍事跳傘協會(Europaeischer Militaer Fallschirmsprungverband e. V.)
( J9 Q  O" A+ ?7 E/ N4 j------------------------------
& Y7 Y* |5 X7 U. z, |/ l6 S8 S
/ @; g9 U$ y! f! W2 p0 S4 DInternational Military Competition 9 \. Q2 B5 D, J
* t; W- ]" ~, m  f* N/ |! w; K. B
A.N.P.d'I. Sezione Vittorio Veneto' o5 r& G5 t: `0 Q) i  _3 I
Federazione Nazionale Riservisti$ B7 \, N! R. ^, n
0 y' q$ T" z, i
International Military - }! K. z" F5 V4 B$ C5 M
Competition "Prealpi 2005"
* L) q& Y2 I9 m& I: m

  q; J# d" H+ @  t; S. DSan Vendemiano1 n' y& T" M$ T& Z( |% M. R
30 september/1 october 2005
7 E# T) x! G5 Q1 O4 j
1 }1 g$ n* O3 y
$ r( _; u) G4 _7 A* KTimetable:
* w. v2 w( C/ k  w6 k30 september
0 b$ U9 X; c  L$ t: h* M3 k· 19.00 Arrival of Teams in San Vendemiano (parking of school's compound) and completion of entries
: u, ]3 A+ K" x4 v· 20.30 Briefing to Team Leaders& d1 V  w: q; _; U! ?
· 21.30 Start of 1st Team, _4 S: f: g! A' Z* U
1 october. G, g# t* W  q! A- F. V2 a/ f
· 07.30 End of competition! O  D( N1 I3 I5 q8 e! K
· 08.30 Hoisting Italian flag
, }4 v. x0 I5 {) P. Y2 U+ K* s# F· 12.00 Award ceremony
( b$ ~! G: A) X, p) i· 12.30 Lunch 9 M2 D5 J8 Y$ n0 i+ |) _
· 15.30 Complimentary events
4 w( [$ ?( [3 r$ v% h3 a1 i/ Z; y4 {· 20.00 Social evening
6 {. r( J0 G6 n1 P) t% }0 g! ^: P0 f& A2 Y/ o& N
Teams needing to be lodged in San Vendemiano the nights of Friday 30 September and Saturday 1 October must inform us of this need, in order to allow us the right assistance, writing it in the entry form. 8 U9 H& o* w  i. f+ C# _
Assistance limited to the booking of hotels could be supplied if requested.1 g4 J# q% c, g6 N5 y
It is possible to be lodged free of charge at competition start, but teams must have their own sleeping bag/mattress. $ `; t* B! ?. J$ D8 S, I9 A) A
Foreign Teams can take part to the competition wearing their uniform with the necessary approval thru the relevant hierarchy. 1 Y- e) J  n$ F6 W8 N) x; r
Foreign "active" military personnel can take part to the event as for the international rules and agreements.
- ]% E* `0 B0 B4 H' l: KAt least one of any Team’s member must speak English or Italian language.
0 c9 G* v. T; Z6 IDescription of the exercise: Night SAR patrol in enemy land, with active enemy displayed, in white. f3 ]5 B" _+ t; z: h2 v
List of exercises:" N, n5 p  a1 ^+ }: p
· topography and orienteering
' p9 B3 j, q1 \· First Aid- _6 m/ w" R; y' V
· Precision throw of dummy hand grenades1 w" h3 e/ C" B7 }. w  p8 h- h
· Raid March
* n) u% \2 @) P· SAR actions0 ~, U% y% L+ J' r9 K* ?
· Fighting enemy forces8 |" o  ^  m  g5 y0 m( [; F
· Rapid Automatic Response to fire
1 O* l$ M& C1 N2 |+ r% D5 m- I+ G/ C· Fitness tests( b. Z  w1 Y& d; N* m" z  \: H& F
· Movement on obstacles (natural/artificial)
4 v& R: o$ I5 V9 i* L6 T1 l; J· Written Test of explosives and demolition
! E3 \% @% y$ @9 r0 [/ f
Environmental description: cultivated flat land, buil-up along roads, total distance about 20 kilometers
# z& A- ~  T+ L9 p  x3 KMap: 1:25000 / Compass: 6400 divisions$ r- G8 U& r; Z( G0 A6 c& \6 g; L
/ m% q, g+ s" ^9 a3 T& h1 Number of Teams: maximum 30, as for entry order. . G$ X  i4 @" ]1 N# T; f
2 Teams: are of 3 people, the highest rank is Leader
9 ^# V" F, W* s& L3 Q0 N# k1 D& p3 During the competition it is not allowed: to use mobile phones, GPS and radio equipments; to carry fire or soft-air weapons, knives, blades or injuring objects; to use texts, notes and books in order to solve exercises; to enter private properties out of existing tracks; to disturb free animals; to damage third parties goods and cultivations; to exchange information between Teams; to resist to the possible capture; to refuse to be identified before, during and after the competition; to use vehicles for the movements, to drink alcoholic beverages./ P. O- e5 m2 n5 C0 d* w9 j
4 During the competition it is requested: to hold a correct behaviour; to inform Referees of own’s phisical problems occurring; to avoid to undergo to excessively requestings exercises in respect of own’s phisical condition and training; to accept any referees decision at any time during the route.
8 `+ N) M6 l0 g2 ~5 Equipments: camouflage and the wearing of tactical vests is under Team's decision. Individual equipment: at least - battle dress and relate headgear, military boots, canteen, paper and pen/pencil, military raincoat, portable lamp with screens.
" \  L0 _' Y) G; oTeam's equipment: one military backpack, mils compass, protractor; a First Aid kit (even not military to be kept in the backpack), supplementary water reserve. 7 K" P% Y# x0 a+ X+ j- O& E
6 Entry: the individual entry fee is 25 ?uro and includes competition documents, “food package” and lunch; receipts will be issued. Teams who will have entered within the 15.09.2005 will take part to the Competition. Upon completion of the 30 Teams, we will accept delayed entries, but then we will ask the payment of a 5 ?uro per Team.
8 Y. h0 u5 N; M  q7 Companions: "non-competing captains" and/or every other person belonging to a Team, even if not military and if not wearing the uniform is admitted to participate to any contour activity and activity as Team's, excluded the competition itself; such staff must be listed in the entry module and pay the individual fee of 15 ?uro.
1 W2 P: l: Y: Q/ M8 }8 Ranking: every succesfull Team at the competition will receive a diploma; the “Overall”, Reserve (including Italian and foreigners), “Active” (including Italian and foreigners) rankings will be prepared. The best three Teams will be awarded. The best Teams in the fields topography, fitness, techniques will be awarded as well. Claims against the rankings are allowed after the payment of a bail of 20 ?uro which will be given back if the claim is found right.
" X& g" [7 [# g' B( M+ @9 Responsability: any competitor will take part to the competition under his/her own responsability and the Organization can not be held as responsibile for any damage/injurehe/she could bear and any damage he/she could cause to third parties, things and properties regardless the reason for this to happen.1 I/ [* ?: Q7 [& w* @
10 Miscellaneous: order of start is random and can not be changed; Refereees will not supply any help to solve exercises; phisical exercises ranking will be calculated in respect of the age of single competitors; random control of the effective membership of Reserve competitors to the relevant Association/Unit could be carried out; only the executed exercises will be added to the rankings; the maximum route time is 5 hours; to enter to the competition is total acceptance of the rules; the Staff does not respond of possible abuses of competitors in regard of the wear of the uniform and/or damages caused; depending on circumstances rules can be amended by the Staff. Any foreign guest (competitor or not) is suggested to be supplied with EU sanitary document in order to receive sanitary assistance.
0 }% D+ E1 X) m7 O2 a! z  ^$ [9 k- e" f% F& I; g2 Z
Entry Form:; k& M+ v& n' x0 Z
0 Z  S2 A. o  Y! i" ^" H+ a
Name of Team:________________________________
5 v/ L6 @$ l; c3 ?% O) d( k! x8 {2 W9 N( f5 T( V- }' ^
Category: Reserve………..Active Duty……..
# t; C7 W- {/ o  B1 |9 i. B" ]1 t0 a/ n7 d8 x. q1 J( y
Address: _____________________________________
$ s0 O& }/ ~' A5 J2 L) |. a: e! p! d( u; ^3 d
- b  L) e5 U, Q' n3 B. [2 T
3 b( c- a/ _  q, A8 [* \" a+ L' Fnationality: ______________________
# X1 Q- P) ]6 h( c7 r6 X3 k, M; Q0 j, [% N$ a# b4 ?; }4 R
Team Leader: rank __________________; L" ~6 @( {7 g" Q

' J0 ?( z0 C9 cSurname __________________________
# C: F$ b: d7 Q; m+ ?
# C: j2 [' C# F" }) BName ________________________ age __________
% d' S8 y# [: i2 T! l( y: L+ h  }
2° Member: : rank __________________
, [; w& U$ I9 M3 }. q) Z5 N  b
: u& M1 h* n8 S0 N3 ISurname __________________________
# i, d9 _- y  C& t% b/ v5 Z
( j) H4 L2 m6 i6 jName ________________________ age __________
* r/ Y1 ^# R# A$ M. F  k7 y% v$ C. L4 m' B; P8 l% h
3° Member: : rank __________________7 K7 i8 n8 {9 C  F2 a& s

5 J3 s6 f4 h: w: T' ZSurname __________________________7 S, |) z( e* C% K1 X1 f$ i

& |7 v+ |3 J$ YName ________________________ age __________, U3 e4 j" u: q$ U2 {" b' U7 E

$ A) X! a  `( }1 ?' INumber of companions: ________________________( g; n/ r% V0 s  A+ t' p2 f, f9 i
- I% W# b9 c* x9 a

; [6 O* H6 z* g+ g% w% S4 h" kLodging: The Team needs lodging? yes_____no_____
: l% b! J+ i% Q1 J2 t8 _0 Q/ V. |; m( s# G) s0 E
How: Hotel(*)_____ sport hall______% K+ a% w1 p* e) V! F1 J# h
(*) to be paied by Teams8 z" D! t+ ^  n
arrival: date__________time ______$ l& Q: Q- L" }: R

! K' p! a& V0 |# V5 zdeparture: date__________time ______
$ n- x% J& x- s
& M4 g  c$ B, t0 X  _" qEntry form is to be sent by fax at: 0039 0438 555232 within 15/09/2005/ P- A$ g# O) ^4 C
% ~3 }( @5 W+ {% D1 Z+ g( O
The cumulative entry fees (official receipts will be issued) could be paied at start point at arrival of Teams
( \1 V0 K1 V3 x
+ D" v) E( {8 W) [% }8 O' SA.N.P.d'I. Associazione Nazionale Paracadutisti d'Italia9 S* V. G: v; A1 S0 X! k
Sezione Vittorio Veneto
1 a- i( J* l5 N2 K9 |3 Bvia Cesare Battisti, 14: c) G1 c  T  u: \8 l( S
I - 31029 Vittorio Veneto TV
7 F0 C( C7 S/ {: _8 B$ W& l9 v; M3 H* r
Contact: 1st Lt. Fabio Bulfoni (0039 328 6713758 daytime)( Z' l) I6 h' l; }1 L& X. G. T* a

7 F- W) n. C6 ?  |3 d3 \( {' b1 jwww.anpdi.com " h4 b1 x* n3 A8 Z
posta@anpdi.com  d9 ?/ v' B9 ~) r( Q8 o. S2 K0 A

( t" a7 i; [' [( L  hOrganizzazione della gara , z9 _2 d8 q9 p" K$ W
Direction: 7 j! M, ~( P; a5 j+ c
· A.N.P.d'I. Vittorio Veneto7 {5 n( G( B+ E) s  a! x! D
Tests, route and logistic: . G5 o6 c7 O( H$ u
· A.N.P.d'I. Vittorio Veneto
% j+ U; R3 [) b* N' A· Federazione Nazionale Riservisti
+ n# \4 ?' [0 m$ _Alpine Techniques $ U) E- r$ M  h- C4 `
· Federazione Nazionale Riservisti) [7 R4 V! a2 X
Tactic actions:$ A: w6 O4 s1 `9 M' P/ r
· A.N.P.d'I. Vittorio Veneto
# _% Z2 F$ W6 R- J" z" O; b· Federazione Nazionale Riservisti: t- V0 |9 A2 j5 w7 _% D! o
· Extrema Ratio Soft AirClub
7 d" G! G: u" C' V$ uSanitary service:7 E3 Q) }" `5 R# C% r" P
· A.N.P.d'I. Vittorio Veneto
4 Z* H/ q6 R- l# B; i) R7 P· Corpo Militare della Croce Rossa Italiana
& Z1 I; B8 v% Z- s1 h; ^0 a  Z  ?Secretery and rankings:& e7 h2 `6 i  C
· A.N.P.d'I. Sez. Vittorio Veneto/ b3 l9 @% j7 R( M' \3 K8 Q0 @

5 N3 R- B, w  J" VCooperation: 3 O. R$ ~: J) @% u; t8 q6 i
* u7 g' \0 n( W1 j# s# Y
Comune di San Vendemiano1 _  g* n$ E# D, i, }) ^4 p
Gruppo Alpini San Vendemiano, z, T! X* u' k4 g
A.N.Art.I. Monfalcone
1 p6 L: f( R( A4 \. yMilitary Store) |0 Q( d, l* b" U
6 }% \2 u- N$ B1 w
8 Y: ?, R* w/ ]1 I+ v, VComune di San Vendemiano0 ~5 {# T! _" l
Comando Com.Fo.Ter.+ f" f: o. l3 M; Z
Comando 1° Fo.D.
: J2 ^. ~. L; e2 @2 F2 k$ w, J: JComando Truppe Alpine7 z. T+ G4 B8 m$ n# N/ Q/ U9 z! N
Ministero della Difesa
2 ^5 {% t. c& _, J- E& tIspettorato delle Scuole Militari; k: \; g, e8 ]% o6 r# r. y
; E: G- r" [& S. l' {; f7 s9 Y
How to arrive in San Vendemiano:4 H5 _* e8 u% |4 a" \
San Vendemiano is about 55 km north of Venice, along A27 Venezia/Belluno Highway (exit Conegliano).
" U2 ^) c4 l% ]) o7 oFrom Brenner drive thru SS. Valsugana then to Feltre and Belluno, then A27 to south. - Z4 Y( p2 f4 t4 ^
From Lumbardy and Center-of-Italy get to Venezia-Mestre then A27 Venezia/Belluno.
8 `8 m* p0 O2 jFrom East (Tarvisio, Slovenia) get to Pordenone then drive SS. 13 Pontebbana (well indicated). * ~7 n& R2 L, y) l) `
From A27 exit drive toward “centro”4 a9 x* \0 x' f( o$ K

, o* U& R! c' {. N- l- n6 D[ 本文章最後由 Infantry 於 2005-10-7 01:23 AM 編輯修改]
sharka 發表於 2005-9-27 23:47:08 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by Infantry at 2005-9-27 11:38 PM:1 Y5 H% r: \0 x! H6 m* |
我國由於國際政治的原因,與世界上大多數國家都無外交關係,因此幾乎沒有機會派軍人參加國際間的正式軍事競技或演習。但是像歐洲軍事跳傘協會這種中立的非政府組織,其舉辦的活動就不受有無邦交之限制,值得國軍 ...
* `) C) {- ]5 J( Z  ~: ~
( ?3 s* f. A* S) H9 x8 P8 l
  ?; |8 L/ D# w您的見解小弟十分的贊成$ A4 I& n. @3 E9 M# a+ T
. A, M) J2 h5 x% p/ ^. ?後憲、後海陸與後空特,當然可以舉辦這樣的活動
" ^7 |! b* p- R$ u' r其實除了射擊比較沒辦法之外,其餘的還是可以比照奧地利的比賽辦理0 b3 f  R  S: E/ S' ]% j
0 Y0 U6 h, W4 t- B' `9 w( f( d$ N關卡設計可以由特戰退伍前輩來指導擬定
) z1 L4 |) ?9 M6 U裁判也可以由這些老前輩來擔任1 d3 C9 g$ W% S1 R" G# r
5 c- I1 }! p) B' t# {4 M像今年我就參與過XX園活動的採訪/ c$ V, V/ r* S5 _) R! p% k# N
但參與的生存隊伍表現的卻是讓小弟搖頭/ [0 f2 O) d; e. i' f: F$ Q
或許他們習慣灑彈了吧- [0 @  |0 M# P) S' R
但真正的戰爭,哪是這麼容易接敵呢?- `$ X0 f% x4 M- k7 d! g
只懂得買身上一堆貴的要死的特戰裝備,卻對於大自然的利用一點都不會,唉唉唉: e% Y% S1 F4 }* _+ W% p' A
7 M! z1 F) _3 `& \, C, H
[ 本文章最後由 sharka 於 2005-9-27 11:51 PM 編輯修改]
MP508刀 發表於 2005-9-28 04:37:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by sharka at 2005-9-27 23:47:3 d& C* Q" b+ l# ?8 o) |
! \7 R* W: K5 |3 J! V& m

( c  a- a0 i& G' T5 ^Infantry兄
: g7 s/ I+ D4 v3 O您的見解小弟十分的贊成/ |% l- f/ e% O( M7 \
3 ?3 Z0 Q* G! m6 }5 l後憲、後海陸與後空特,當然可以舉辦這樣的活動
6 M" t7 W/ r/ }+ x( r: V* |& p1 `2 y其實除了射擊比較沒辦法之外,其餘的還是可以比 ...
( S3 s1 r$ u' B
 樓主| Infantry 發表於 2005-9-28 04:59:51 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by sharka at 2005-9-27 11:47 PM:
$ C; S5 i: i6 [: x2 X3 h6 [' H 只懂得買身上一堆貴的要死的特戰裝備,卻對於大自然的利用一點都不會,唉唉唉

% N2 {/ [/ z/ zsharka兄,你這句話是在影射國防部,只曉得花大錢買裝備來裝門面,卻不知道落實基層部隊的訓練嗎?
& N- X+ j0 D- ^, r8 Y! _* F, O. j3 h7 m  D* M+ z
 樓主| Infantry 發表於 2005-9-28 05:02:45 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #4 MP508刀 的張貼

sharka 發表於 2005-9-28 09:13:05 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by Infantry at 2005-9-28 04:59 AM:
7 v3 g/ O+ j% U8 z! [8 u , @3 s: `( [& A3 n: N2 K; C
3 u* i5 s0 |: p1 o/ I; `/ W, w7 C  {7 k6 g+ B8 j

4 h" Y% \5 _: h0 ^0 X, o- s/ V- {7 H3 j0 K" G* b- c( y" Z+ m
8 ]: O. v# C9 n' g我對於生存遊戲也不是很瞭解2 \! |) O; ]! @8 h" ]6 m" H
不過單就過來人的經驗與自己的思考+ H. v% z, j$ U$ s8 r
當日活動看到了很多「讓人長線」的狀況* l" u! @% c9 M, @0 Q7 q
不過沖天炮RPG倒是蠻好玩也蠻好笑的. |# L( ?7 K5 R- o
在空特網舊版也曾經討論到「體能」與「戰技」的論點,當時引起不少弟兄熱烈討論9 Z9 t7 X" c2 M! R4 m
0 f0 k9 ]6 o/ W) x  K" Z+ Z6 s就現實狀況來說,個人彈藥攜行量不可能這麼多,也更不可能老是用撒彈的方式來攻擊與防守。因此將活動觀念轉為如何利用大自然才是真正在野外生存時的王道。' W( A5 l9 t8 i  j8 C
當然了,城鎮與室內CQB又是另外一套看法了,小弟知道不多,因此也無法對這觀念提出一些論述。0 v- y+ q5 q9 U. a' j
& v1 R1 @0 M  ]2 g: b& t7 M
- }1 Z: K' {$ I' s5 d[ 本文章最後由 sharka 於 2005-10-4 11:16 AM 編輯修改]
MP269C570T 發表於 2005-9-28 11:38:48 | 顯示全部樓層
+ ~) }! V* w# c1 C$ h您太抬愛小弟了....雖然小弟在心態上面,可是保持著隨時可以接哨的準備。但現今的時間卻不允許小弟,因為小弟要顧兩個漆彈場的運作,要出國比賽的話實難抽身,國內的競賽應該到還可以參加唄。
, W. d8 W' q/ d" @8 t1 B5 G6 w5 w  h3 A但參加比賽可不是錢繳了就ok了,還要事前的練習與情蒐,這才可以發揮100%的戰力。
+ q4 Z: p$ @4 A; M3 j1 d, _! }; i0 F' e1 U
% ~! m2 E* `* e' E. V, d4 Q國軍經久未戰,部隊的戰力與戰術指揮都已逐漸退化,如果能夠派員參加類似競賽。或是國防部舉辦類似競賽,邀請友邦參加,應該都可以補足悉耶經驗上的不足與戰技的交流。雖然我們沒法參加國際的演習,但類似的競賽也是不錯的擬補方式。
 樓主| Infantry 發表於 2005-9-30 17:54:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by MP269C570T at 2005-9-28 11:38 AM:5 q. [' ?. m6 G2 w& g2 `
Infantry學長:, V: y/ z& w/ P; c6 ]; B. s$ ~
您太抬愛小弟了....雖然小弟在心態上面,可是保持著隨時可以接哨的準備。但現今的時間卻不允許小弟,因為小弟要顧兩個漆彈場的運作,要出國比賽的話實難抽身,國內的競賽應該到還可以參加唄。/ q: X' [$ \' `
6 K& i9 @( _& o+ }8 ^6 r
超版版主,我是想說你年輕力裝,又尚無家累,且經營漆彈場,所以可以勝任。; G" R8 o' ?0 z

) D( z  L2 ]* l- E但若以上述貼文的軍事競技而言,個人認為台灣軍人的死穴在SAR actions
MP269C570T 發表於 2005-9-30 19:06:36 | 顯示全部樓層
雖然以前的憲訓中心一般兵16週的訓期中,有所謂的前八週陸軍訓,後八週憲兵訓,; W# I$ O1 X& f. X) ~  p
* T& ^, t; M$ t/ N而在憲校時,雖然有班攻擊班防禦等課程,但時數不多。下部隊後,看到連上編裝表有提到,本連的任務之一是"必要時做步兵使用"。
% h$ ~0 V' c. I1 Z但是基本上,憲兵的訓練中,是很少步兵相關的課程,例如sharka學長所提的指北針使用與野外求生等等。
" s6 S, E$ w' s  K5 d* u- B當然這是指小弟軍中憲兵的狀況,以前地區憲兵整訓也有排攻擊與30公里夜間行軍等等的訓練,但距離"步兵"應該要學要會的技能,還是有一段距離。
8 O$ _8 A3 j2 ?1 S; X  T5 U+ x所以參加這類型的步兵傘兵相關的軍事競技,可能憲兵在先天上是蠻吃虧的,除非有憲兵的競技,但指揮交通和維護軍紀這種勤務技能,應該到還不需要特別辦競技唄,可能舉辦觀摩會或是示範之類的應該就可以了吧。
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