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[國內政策] 美國經濟學家卅前財經官員爆料:美與歐盟花錢收買烏克蘭抗議群眾和暴民

Teddy@NewAge 發表於 2014-3-21 15:56:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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cfp529 發表於 2014-3-22 00:50:55 | 顯示全部樓層
這位憤青大哥~~這裡版規好像不能談政治唷!! 對政局不滿去找政治評論相關網談,那邊很多健談高手!!
9 x# P5 K% D. [1 f& |% A8 u: F, S$ g: n: f6 I& `3 d8 p! _
MP269C570T 發表於 2014-3-22 01:19:49 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 哨長 Teddy@NewAge 的帖子

' [2 b# j( Y2 w2 {* k; N0 l2 F: y* Y5 Y
8 v: b) R- B6 Q- Z  n- t# o不要跑錯地方了,現在GPS很發達,請先設定好位置再開車。
刺客 發表於 2014-3-22 15:28:39 | 顯示全部樓層
政治問題我不想回答0 B+ H/ Y5 x; ]* `7 f7 I. g
1 }& s0 Y" c+ N. z- N- H
, O- P* f- l% P& q" w& M8 y5 p7 ?- r' k
1 y! ?( u3 Y( C8 b4 A3 C
( P7 G, a! }' O# {  N$ {保衛國家 服兵役 是國民的義務6 ]7 r% j  O8 K0 h! Z
5 R3 N# R& ]' @' z5 {8 w; j6 d2 G( f
不要只是拿學籍閃兵..要求廢除義務役說浪費時間當藉口+ h' S7 l/ d# t1 I3 V
. P- E4 c6 j: F4 }- k6 a
[ 本帖最後由 刺客 於 2014-3-22 15:30 編輯 ]


參與人數 1人氣指數 +1 收起 理由
bright + 1 敘事有理,條理分明,我很贊同!!


 樓主| Teddy@NewAge 發表於 2014-3-24 16:47:47 | 顯示全部樓層
- t, @. w5 j: Z- \美國經濟學家卅前財經官員-保羅.羅伯茲爆料 --3 L# F% R- k/ x/ W  b
6 R; W: p7 ~% U. Y, r7 w
"美與歐盟花錢收買烏克蘭抗議群眾和暴民". U/ w9 n. t9 m3 R: k$ q0 S! W1 n
US and EU Are Paying Ukrainian Rioters and Protesters — Paul Craig Roberts
* f! X$ ^; z) [8 X3 s+ d/ ]February 17, 2014
; c0 `( b8 N! w: e8 j' r轉自www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/02 ... paul-craig-roberts/ 9 E, W. J* x: L- e, ^7 d
7 _* l% M- T: k, o1 U9 }6 T
Paul Craig Roberts
  T! l0 h' a# R, N8 k: L, U0 U3 ]! k
A number of confirmations have come in from readers that Washington is fueling the violent protests in Ukraine with our taxpayer dollars. Washington has no money for food stamps or to prevent home foreclosures, but it has plenty of money with which to subvert Ukraine." l/ I0 L1 t) A) u# n

8 \3 R# L. T- J6 m9 oOne reader wrote: “My wife, who is of Ukrainian nationality, has weekly contact to her parents and friends in Zhytomyr [NW Ukraine]. According to them, most protesters get an average payment of 200-300 grivna, corresponding to about 15-25 euro. As I additionally heard, one of the most active agencies and ‘payment outlets’ on EU side is the German ‘Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’, being closely connected to the CDU, i.e. Mrs. Merkel’s party.”
- @, P. v: p0 ]) y; ~2 l
6 L$ u8 C* u; ^* B- t; |Johannes Loew of the Internet site elynitthria.net/ writes: “I am just back from Ukraine (I live in Munich/Germany) and I was a lot at the Maidan. Most of those people get only 100 grivna. 300 is for Students.”+ H! T" x' ]+ }2 l0 z! |
4 W' k  T. C3 d3 m4 O0 W6 o
As I reported on February 12, “Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine,” http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/ ... tabilizing-ukraine/ Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, a rabid Russophobe and neoconservative warmonger, told the National Press Club last December that the US has “invested” $5 billion in organizing a network to achieve US goals in Ukraine in order to give “Ukraine the future it deserves.” http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article37599.htm Nuland is the Obama regime official who was caught red-handed naming the members of the Ukrainian government Washington intends to impose on the Ukrainian people once the paid protesters have unseated the current elected and independent government.
9 k6 C: M: [. v* O4 p3 d: z. ~" p3 b
, l( U# \+ S6 x+ ?/ z* S4 RWhat Nuland means by Ukraine’s future under EU overlordship is for Ukraine to be looted like Latvia and Greece and to be used by Washington as a staging ground for US missile bases against Russia.1 z1 H/ b, X7 T. W3 E8 ~! X4 O

5 G4 h6 O4 j( g5 K: [1 kFrom the responses I received to my request for confirmations of the information sent to me from Moldova, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/ ... paul-craig-roberts/ there is enough evidence that Washington fomented the violent riots for western newspapers and TV channels to investigate. But they haven’t. As we know, the presstitutes are enablers of Washington’s crimes and duplicities. However, the US media has reported that the Ukrainian government is paying Ukrainians to rally in favor of the government. http://www.usatoday.com/story/ne ... t-protests/5435315/ The Ukrainian government will have a hard time matching Washington’s $5 billion.8 e# ^7 I% H) b

/ F* h! @3 ?( C* mAs Karl Marx wrote, money turns everything into a commodity that is bought and sold. I wouldn’t be surprised if some protesters are working both sides of the street.
5 s! Y: s- X- `- J) T) w; {+ I* L, G
Of course, not all of the protesters are paid. There are plenty of gullible dupes in the streets who think they are protesting Ukraine government corruption. I have heard from several. There is little doubt that the Ukraine government is corrupt. What government isn’t? Government corruption is universal, but it is easy to go from the frying pan into the fire. Ukrainian protesters seem to think that they can escape corruption by joining the EU. Obviously, these gullible dupes are unfamiliar with the report on EU corruption issued February 3 by the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs. The report says that a business-political nexus of corruption affects all 28 EU member countries and costs the EU economies $162.2 billion per annum. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/eu ... 42313322401478.html According to the World Bank, the economic cost of EU corruption is almost as large as the size of Ukrainian GDP. http://data.worldbank.org/country/ukraine Clearly, Ukrainians will not escape corruption by joining the EU. Indeed, Ukrainians will suffer worse corruption.
8 A. J) p7 }0 n& C  W% h, x  B6 _; [& J! h9 ~+ L9 Q
I have no objection to Ukrainians protesting government corruption. Indeed, such gullible people could benefit from the lesson they would learn once their country is in the hands of corrupt Brussels and Washington. What I object to is the lack of awareness on the part of the protesters that by permitting themselves to be manipulated by Washington, they are pushing the world toward a dangerous war. I would be surprised if Russia is content to have US military and missile bases in Ukraine.2 E7 `$ a, r6 M, X
3 C6 C" c0 @3 u% z; i! \) S1 B
It was fools like Nuland playing the great game that gave us World War I. World War III would be the last war. Washington’s drive to exploit every opportunity to establish its hegemony over the world is driving us all to nuclear war. Like Nuland, a significant percentage of the population of western Ukraine are Russophobes. I know the case for Ukrainian dislike of Russia, but Ukrainian emotions fueled with Washington’s money should not direct the course of history. No historians will be left to document how gullible and witless Ukrainians set the world up for destruction.# C& z9 I+ t8 L3 E6 N6 a; k
1 |8 E- y3 Z( m9 V) @8 c
[ 本帖最後由 Teddy@NewAge 於 2014-3-24 16:51 編輯 ]


參與人數 1貢獻 -5 收起 理由
MP269C570T -5


 樓主| Teddy@NewAge 發表於 2014-3-24 16:50:03 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 副哨 cfp529 的帖子

曾國藩曾云,社會大亂之前,必有三種前兆:" I4 d+ A0 I( x, Y0 e1 e
1.無論何事,均黑白不分。8 \2 G6 Q* a3 W
2.善良的人,越來越謙虛客氣;無用之人,越來越倡狂胡為。$ n/ r+ m& b9 p# t' M
3.問題到了嚴重的程度之後,凡事皆被合理化,一切均被預設,不痛不癢,莫名其妙地虛應一番。1 [& w  m+ G% a% r) H
8 s% q& L. |, ]
以上文字轉自 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/曾國藩
bryanwang 發表於 2014-3-24 18:32:47 | 顯示全部樓層
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